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Little secret about Bee & Buu

Little secret about Bee & Buu

Ugh, let me tell you how they slapped me with this crazy name. So, it all started with my dad – the ultimate Dragon Ball fanatic. He's got this obsession with his Dragon Ball Funko collection, and I swear he talks to those little figurines more than he talks to us.

Now, picture this: the day they were gonna pick me up at the airport, Dad was busy chatting it up with Goku and the gang. He turns to Mom, who's already mentally prepped to pick up her new pup. And what does he say? He goes, 'I wanna name our furry friend Buu! You know, after that big pink dude from Dragon Ball Z. We gotta keep the 'B' thing going, you know, 'cause Beomi, my Korean name.'

Mom, bless her heart, she couldn't possibly say no to the guy. So there it was – I'm Buu, a dog named after an anime character.

But wait, it gets even wackier. You see, in Dragon Ball, Buu has this dog called Bee. And what does my family do? They name our other dog Bee, because why the heck not? So now we're Buu and Bee, and it's like we're living in our very own anime, but instead of saving the world, we just chase our tails and beg for treats.

So yeah, that's the story of how we ended up with these names. Thanks, Dad. Thanks, Dragon Ball. At least we're not named after vegetables, right?